HMC Gathering

January 27th 2007 (Saturday)
8.30AM – Lake Gardens, Jln. Parlimen
(Coming from Jln. Duta, pass KPD on the left, go straight on, go up the flyover, stay on the left lane and go left, then stay on the right lane and go up the flyover again, go straight until a traffic light, turn right at the traffic light, and then turn right immediately after again. Go straight on until you see the car park).

Vincent wants me to compile a scrapbook of HMC January intake students, so yeah, bring your camera and let’s camwhore like mad in the very picturesque Lake Gardens 🙂 It’s also pot luck, so please either bring drinks or food.

Thank you, and pass the word around to January intake students too!


I think I was ready to pass out and die while checking my results from Sarah’s laptop this morning. I made them cover half the screen while it loaded, just to get mentally prepared first, hahaha. In the end, I got my High Distinctions in Marketing and Psychology which is what matters, so hooray, Melbourne Uni, here I come! 😀 😀 I got a freaking Credit for Stats though, which I’m being sulky about. I must have really screwed up my finals because I needed 20+ to get a Distinction. So weird 😦 Oh well, whatever, I GOT HD IN MARKETING AND PSYCHO!

All year long, my two Credits were for Finite Maths and Stats. I told my Mom “What does that tell you about me and numbers?” Seriously! Thank God I’m not doing a Commerce degree, or Accounting or something. Confirm die! 😛

Sitting for my IELTS speaking test tomorrow, and Wei Yang was so nice enough to give me a ride to IDP Subang because the last time I went there with Josh, I got lost for over an hour, heh.

Velocity … Not!

I regret not going for Velocity last night 😦 … REALLY REGRET! It could’ve well possibly been my last rave in KL. I can so hear Asyraf going “PADAN MUKA, MELLL!!!” now. Hmph.

I went to Souled Out with Josh (he’s back! :D), Sam, and Fabian last night for “dinner” and drinks. Their Lychee Lemon Martini is shit, don’t try it. It’s not worth your RM25. Hung out at Araville after that. Wheeeee. Was actually considering going to Velocity when I got home, but everyone was already there (got home at about 12ish), and as I lay down in bed to consider, I passed out, hahahaha. The next thing I knew, it was 3AM. Got up, changed, and then fell asleep all over again. Ahhh.

I’m very, very, very angry at HELP University College right now. They delayed the posting of the final results, and hello, do they think I have all the time in the world?! I haven’t accepted my conditional offer from the University of Melbourne yet because I’m still waiting for the god damn results! Places are LIMITED people, come on, hurry it up, or some SAM-ling is going to take my well-deserved place! *throws a hissy diva fit* AND not only that, but HELP takes like ONE BLOODY WEEK to print your final transcript, I SO DO NOT HAVE TIME FOR THIS! Precious minutes are ticking away! *stomp stomp stomp*

On a slightly brighter note, the internet seems to be working a little bit better today. Hooray!

Oh, Christmas Tree

When I was younger, I used to love Christmas. To me, Christmas was the time when I got to see my Mom’s side of the family (who I very rarely see), as well as eat turkey, and receive lots of presents. I remember going to Toys ‘R Us with my sister and parents to pick out a Christmas present (easier that way lah, then my parents know I’d definitely like what they buy me, right?). They always insisted on wrapping it though, and I wasn’t allowed to touch it until Christmas Day. I remember looking forward to getting all dolled up and pretty, and practically hopping around with anticipation for the clock to strike twelve. I remember sitting on the floor beside the Christmas tree, surrounded with wrapping paper, my cats sniffing everything curiously. I remember my Mom saying “Remember to read the card! See who it’s from!” and my Dad saying “… not aftershave again! If it’s not aftershave, it’s underwear. If it’s not underwear, it’s socks!” I remember putting up the Christmas tree every year, with my dad testing the lights, my sister hanging tinsel on everything, and with Christmas carols playing in the background.

The novelty of Christmas has worn off, year after year. Receiving presents aren’t normally as fun anymore (unless it comes in a Louis Vuitton, Chanel, or Gucci box). In fact, I was actually considering telling everyone to not buy me anything for my birthday this year, and instead donate the money to charity or something. I don’t think I received much for my birthday though. I didn’t receive many presents, but the ones I did receive were very … meaningful.

Christmas this year is going to be different. I’m not looking forward to it. I think I’m going to need a lot of alcohol to get through this festive season.

Anyway, I feel like posting photos, but I’m not quite sure what photos to put, so I’ll just put my Macbook print ads I designed for my extra credit Marketing Principles assignment here. I’m proud of them, okay! Excuse the crappy quality, the text got fuzzy when I resized them. Well, for my assignment, my target market were corporate companies.

Advertisement to the Buyer (Finance Department):

Advertisement to the Decider (User’s Boss):

Advertisement to Doorkeeper (IT Department):

Advertisement to the User (Executive) and Influencers (User’s friends):


I’m sooooo tired, and I still have quite a lot of work to do.

I just finished my extra credit Marketing Principles assignment to design a series of ads. I don’t think I’ve ever worked so hard for 5% before. I chose to do ads on the Apple Macbook because Apple’s ads are always very minimalistic, very simple, and very clean, which meant that my Photoshop work was kept to a minimum, heh heh. I’m quite proud of them lah 🙂 I did one ad for users, one ad for buyers and influencers, one ad for gatekeepers, and one ad for deciders. So onz. It’s actually the same ad, but with different taglines. Heh heh.

I’m stuck on my Reflective Writing assignment for Psychology now. Reflect on some feeling or behavior that has been conditioned in you or someone else. I can’t seem to think of anything. Bleh. I still have 5 more reflective writing questions to do (3 for extra credit), and I have 2 PDS critiques to write as well. It’s supposed to be only 1, but I’m doing 2 for extra credit as well. I need all the points I can get!

Very the sleepy.

Not to forget the 1000-word critical review for Moral Studies as well. Maybe I can just use the same article I did for Malaysian Studies last year. Bah. LAN is such a waste of time. Good side is that the barring list will be finalised this week, which means that I don’t have to rot in class anymore from next week onwards, hooray 😀

Alrights, bed time.

Edit: Taken from SHARIFAH SARAH ZEHAN’S blog.

“….so maybe mellissa is not the only one who is crazy in the head sentimental =P”

Yes, maybe 😛

Heh Heh Heh

I think the highlight of yesterday was when Jun Wei asked me “So, is David Beckham playing?” during the MU-Chelsea match last night. Seriously. Hahahahahaha. Thank God he didn’t stay (see Jun Wei, I put stay and not sleep!) over last night because I definitely wouldn’t have been able to survive in college if he did. It was bad enough surviving on 4 hours of sleep, I don’t want to imagine how the day would be if I had to survive with no sleep!

I’m very the bored. Waiting for Grey’s Anatomy to finish downloading because I’m in desperate need of my Grey’s Anatomy fix! 🙂 Few more minutes to go, hooray!

I skipped my Marketing tutorial again this week. Aishath told me that there were only TWO people in the class today. So very the pathetic, hahahaha! I don’t know lah, I find it a waste of time since we don’t actually learn anything, and all we do when we go there is sit down, pretend to be listening, and nod our heads occasionally. Not cool, not cool.

OH SHIT, I forgot to call Ezra back.

So Very The Lazy

I’ve been very the lazy to blog lah.

College days are so, so, so, so busy. And I’m always so, so, so, so sleepy when I get home.

Zehan told me that they were selling batik cake at KPD today. Dammit. I was too lazy to go. I love batik cake. Zehan also said that Ah Soh’s (a.k.a Chin Chin) batik cake is better though so maybe I didn’t miss much. I have the batik cake recipe. I should really try to make it one day. Maybe tomorrow night because (a) I don’t have class on Friday and (b) I need something to keep me happy while I spend my weekend in Melaka.

Google is down. I can’t seem to access it, so I’m using Yahoo. I feel like a search engine whore. I’m loyal to my Google, okay. I love Google. I only use Google. My main e-mail is Gmail. I feel all guilty now that I’m forced to use Yahoo. Not that there’s anything wrong with Yahoo because I love Yahoo horoscopes.

I’ve been eating like mad lately. Like seriously. I’m just hungry all the damn time. Let’s see what I had today. Actually I also cannot remember, but I remember I was chomping through nuggets and slurping down ice cream like there was no tomorrow in LAN class. Chomp, chomp, chomp, slurp, slurp, slurp. I think I finished everything in record time – and was still hungry, so I came home and had two quite big steaks, one California roll and a lot of those little sushi thingies from Cold Storage, BSC. I think I had McDs for breakfast. And I went to Mama’s Kitchen for a huge, huge lunch. I think it’s PMS. It’s either that, or I’m pregnant, but that’s highly unlikely unless I’m one of Min Huei’s banana slugs. Hahahahahhahaha.

I crack myself up.

My cat is damn cute. When she hears my parents’ room door opening, she runs and hides behind the door. Then when she thinks it’s safe again, she comes running out and jumps on my bed. Very the comel lah

Physically Channeling Emotions

Four and a half hours of Psychology today. On a Saturday. A very beautiful Saturday, might I add. I think I lasted 3 hours, before walking out of the classroom and never going back. I CANNOT TAHAN LAH! My attention span is very short, and Psychology is so very the boring. Min Huei, Lesley and I played “Continue the Story” and “Hangman” during class. We ended up making a story about a pink rabbit, the HMC Student Council, and an Indah Water sewer. Oh, randomness.

Met Sam for brunch at Ricebowl. Talked, talked, talked, talked, talked. After eating (quite a lot) of chicken rice, I was still hungry. Went to Dunkin Donuts. Ate two donuts all by myself. Talked talked talked talked talked. Went to BSC with my Mom this afternoon to teman her while she bought god knows how many pairs of shoes. Managed to be conned into buying chocolate chip cookies by two little girls. Also bought new perfume from The Body Shop. Was going to buy a new bikini, but I got too lazy to walk to RHB to withdraw money since my feet were starting to ache.

From there, Zehan picked me up and we went to Telawi. Shopped around Gossips and Cats Whiskers, bought a couple of things, blah blah blah. Went to One Utama to meet Mar (SAYA SAYANG MAR!) for dinner and more shopping! I missed Mar lah, we need to do this more often 😦 We story-storyed each other in Italiannies. Oh, so very the funny. I miss talking to my girls like that. Pooooh!

Came back at about 10.30ish? Meh. Soooo tired.

Moral Studies

I don’t think my Moral Studies lecturer likes me very much. Hee hee.

(a) I take half an hour breaks instead of fifteen minutes.
(b) I skip class like nobody’s business.
(c) When I’m in class, I’m singing songs with Sam and Stella.
(d) … or I’m reading a magazine.
(e) … or sleeping.
(f) … or gossiping on the phone.
(g) … or SMSing Min Huei who’s sitting behind me.
(h) I doodle a lot too.
(i) I don’t know what the fuck she’s talking about. At all.

LAN is such a bloody waste of time.

Miscellaneous photos.

Me + Julian + Stella @ Moral Studies …

Danial + Me + Gamms + Zehan @ Maison …

This was taken after alcohol consumption, so please excuse me if I look a tad bit high, and very flushed. Heh heh heh.

Aiyo, lazy to upload the rest lah, laters.

Everything In Me

So apparently I don’t pay attention in my classes very often. I wrote a letter to myself during today’s Marketing Principles tutorial because I was bored out of my mind. I know, I seriously have nothing better to do. Feiruz didn’t come, and Adelia came late some more, first time! 😛 I have a very, very short attention span lah, you want to tell me something, you have to get to the point and not go round and round and round, so that’s why I lose focus most of the time, meh.

Is it just me or does Blogspot have no underline option thingy? I mean yes, I know, I can do it the old-fashioned HTML way but I’m lazy cause I just want to click a button. But I can only see Bold and Italic. Why is there no underline button? So unfair. I like underlining text.

Ezra and I went to Hartamas to return the opening act costumes today. Stopped by in Telawi first because he wanted to unblock his SIM card. While waiting for him I managed to buy one top from Baci and one more from Gossips. I’m quite addicted to Gossips. Some more the owner must be Chin-Chin, the biggest Ah Soh I know! Everytime I go there, I’m sure to buy something. Half my wardrobe is from there already I think. I cannot resist lah, must go and support my friend right? Heh heh heh. So people, you know what’s profitable. Open a boutique and tell Mellissa about it. Guarantee 100% you’ll make shitloads of money.

Speaking of boutiques, I’m so disappointed with Cats Whiskers. When I used to work there (end of 2004), they were damn happening, had so many nice clothes, new stock kept arriving every couple of days. Now the stock is just old and depressing. I’ve been seeing the same things there from over three months ago. What’s worse is that when Mrina and I went there the other day, clothes were strewn all over the floor and the salesgirl was just sitting on a chair opposite staring at it. Clothes were on the tables, on the sofa, everywhere, and no one bothered tidying it up. The mannequin was half naked (heh heh) and leaning on a cupboard, only partially dressed. WHAT HAS HAPPENED TO CATS WHISKERS?!?! Terrible, terrible, terrible. I don’t think I’ll be going there anymore anytime soon *shudder*

Oh by the way, I cut my hair with Shawn @ Peekaboo TTDI yesterday. It was my first time there. I normally cut my hair with Liza @ Gracesalon BSC, but I thought I’d try something different since Shawn charges half the price Liza normally charges. Shawn was really nice, very friendly and I got along great with him. Er, my hair looks a bit lala but I kinda like it. It’s like, bangs cut straight across my forehead. Heh heh. Quite okay lah, I’ll definitely go back to Shawn the next time. Quite bored with Gracesalon already, it’s always nice to try something new.

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